Social Conditions
In 2019, the birth population was 15,366 and the death was 14,924. At the end of the year, the permanent resident population was 1.541 million with an urbanization rate of 44.38%. In 2019-2010 academic year, there were 286 independent kindergartens with 45,015 students in the pre-school kindergartens (classes); there were 161 primary schools with 85,349 students; 72 junior high schools with 47,577 students; 16 ordinary senior high schools with 22,221 students; and 8 secondary vocational schools with 12,156 students. The number of full-time teachers was 14,455. There were also some institutions of higher learning including Sichuan Agricultural University and Ya'an Polytechnic College. At the end of the year, Ya'an had 1,573 medical institutions (including 916 village clinics and 30 professional public health institutions) with 13,230 beds and 12,837 health professionals.